Monday, March 15, 2010

Web 2.0 Assignment 9

For assignment 9, in the Web 2.0 class we had to read about the DMCA on the Electronic Frontier Foundation website and then post a blog about it.

DMCA is limiting and restricting free expression and scientific research. It has been used to control and beat down professionals in various fields.

It is jeopardizes fair use. It has made it so that owners of DVDs can’t make legitimate and personal use use copies of the DVDs that they have purchased.

It hinders or impeded competition and innovation. Some have used DMCA to hinder or slow down their competitors such as after market competition in laser printer toner cartridges, garage door openers, etc.
Apple has also used DMCA to limit its iPhone and iPod devices to Apple’s own software and services.

It interferes with computer intrusions laws. It has been misused as a weapon of retaliation. For example, a disgruntled employer has used DMCA against a former employee. The violation, the former contractor connected to the company’s computer system via a virtual private network (VPN)[ Unintended Consequences : Twelve Years under the DMCA)

The DMCA needs to be changed. I am unsure as to how. A good start would be to make those who use it to bully or threaten accountable for their actions. SO far, it appears that they have not been held accountable at all.

Perhaps a DMCA should be rewritten and tightened up. Research needs to be able to be freely conducted. More importantly, the results need to be able to be published without fear of being punished or retaliated against.

Fair use needs to be allowed. What has been going on is not acceptable. If I want to burn a copy of a DVD or CD that I purchased so that my original remains in new condition, I should be able to do. I should also be able to burn copies for my son to use. I should also be able to do so. If I want to use music and various clips to produce videos for sites such as YouTube, I should be able to do so.

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