Friday, July 8, 2011

A few days ago, I had an unexpected and unwanted visitor in my shower. Somehow a tree frog had gotten into the bathroom and was hiding, er, hanging out in the shower. I didn't see it in there until I was showering. I am not sure which traumatized the frog more; the hot water or seeing me with no clothes on. 

So what to do with the frog hopping madly about in the tiny shower. Catch it , put it in the bathroom sink, and more importantly, take photos of it to post online.

Here they are for your viewing pleasure, photos of the peeping amphibian. 

I took this photos after the steam was gone from the bathroom. It kept fogging up the camera lens. Besides, waiting for the steam to dissipate gave the frog a chance to calm down. A stress out frog doesn't make for quality photos.  Bad enough the kid hadn't cleaned the bathroom yet.

The frog was starting to move a bit more. I would shortly put the frog outside. Shortly after this photos was taken, the frog  made its great escape attempt into my room. Not a good idea. I managed to catch it before I lost sight of it. It would have been a bad thing if I hadn't managed to catch it.

Here is the frog safely outside. I think it may still be a bit stressed out. That shower was fairly hot and shampoo was involved before I discovered the frog and got it into the bathroom sink.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi i was wondering what camera you use and where did you get it?
